Curtin Marketing and Alumni teams are looking for diverse student talent to appear in upcoming brand campaign projects!
There are currently two paid opportunities available and accepting expressions of interest. Read on to learn more about each project and to register your interest.
Project one: Curtin Universe brand awareness social campaign
Multiple paid roles for students who are comfortable being in front of the camera are available for the creation of “day in the life” style videos, similar to those already produced about students Matiko and Poppy.
We are interested in seeing students from all walks of life and backgrounds; students living with disability and Indigenous students are strongly encouraged to get in touch.
What we need from you
Principal filming will take one-half day and you will be asked to return to record a voice-over, taking one hour, after the content has been filmed.
Project two: Alumni and Friends film
Paid opportunities are available for specific student talent to participate in a Curtin Alumni branded film directed by Ken Leung.
Casting criteria
We are looking to cast the following roles in a Graduation Day scenario:
- Female, with dance/gymnastic experience (comfortable to be lifted), ideally mixed-race
- Males: 3 x roles available, diverse and strong, dance experience ideal, to lift the lead
- Females/Other genders: diverse friends of the female lead