Thirty of the nation’s most talented young creatives descended on Sydney in early November to participate in the inaugural Design and Art Direction (D&AD) New Blood Workshop for up-and-coming designers and advertisers.
Current and former Curtin students secured almost one-third of the places available in the workshop, and two were part of the group to take out the workshop’s final prize.
During the intensive, one-day workshop, participants listened to presentations from celebrated professionals in the field and received one-on-one mentoring with the object of taking an industry-standard brief from concept to creation.
The brief asked groups to communicate and inspire young people to act on the issue of food wastage.
Judges were impressed by the range and quality of work produced, but one group stood out with their series of posters depicting ‘ugly’ fruit and vegetables, dressed up, literally. Michael May and Belinda Bonomelli from Curtin were part of the winning team.
See the group’s clever creation and other outstanding work by New Blood participants on the D&AD website.
Advertising Design Lecturer at the School of Design and Art Paul Lowndes is delighted so many current and former Curtin students were selected to participate in New Blood.
“This is a fantastic opportunity for the Western Australian creative industry,” says Paul. “ For nine of the [selected participants] to be Curtin students or graduates is overwhelming.”
“Design and Art Direction (D&AD) has shown that WA really is a part of the national industry. This result has inspired many other Curtin students to enter future programs,” he explains.
Applicants were asked to create a 60-second video responding to the theme, ‘get your hands dirty’. Hundreds of submissions were received from creative minds hailing from Australia and New Zealand.
Curtin and AWARD School graduate Kat Neaves impressed the judges by communicating her message through Auslan sign language. Her video also won the Perth Advertising and Design Club prize, which included return flights to Sydney to attend the workshop.
Organised by UK educational organisation D&AD in conjunction with the Glue Society and Google Australia, New Blood is new this year to Australia. The workshop aims to introduce fresh talent to the industry and bridge the gap between education and the workplace.
At the close of the workshop, creative directors from 20 Sydney agencies greeted the students and judged the works. Participants who created the most outstanding works are given the chance to win a trip to London to take part in the New Blood Academy, an elite two-week program through D&AD and WPP plc.
New Blood participants from Curtin are: Kat Neaves, Adrienne Gray, Alice Coglin, Belinda Bonomelli, Marina Vasileva, Michael May, Skipper Van Peer, Alli Watson and Emil Cholich.
Watch some of our Creative Advertising and Graphic Design students’ submissions:
Adrienne Gray
Marina Vasileva
Skipper Van Peer
Michael May
Belinda Bonomelli
Alice Cogin