Congratulations to Anne Smith, Andrew Briggs and Jenny Downs on NHMRC success as chief investigators on NHMRC grants this year, being auspiced at other institutions:
Anne Smith:
Project title: ‘Can shoe inserts reduce the burden of kneecap osteoarthritis’ (NHMRC project grant)
Investigators: CIA Kay Crossley – La Trobe, CIB Hylton Menz – La Trobe, CIC Trevor Russell – UQ, CID Anne Smith: Curtin, CIE Natalie Collins- UQ
Andrew Briggs:
Project title: Integration of exercise counselling and support into the Musculoskeletal Help Line for knee OA: a mixed-methods study of a novel phone service (NHMRC Partnership Grant)
Investigators: Hinman RS, Bennell KL, French S, Forbes A, Harris A, Briggs AM, Bunker S, Gale J
Partner Organisations: Arthritis & Osteoporosis Victoria, HealthChange Australia, Medibank, Australian Physiotherapy Association
Jenny Downs (two NHMRC project grants as CIA, both grants with the Telethon Kids Institute and UWA):
Project title (1) Characterising quality of life and its determinants for children with intellectual disability and their families.
Project title (2) Does gastrostomy improve the lives of children with severe disability and their families?
Great achievements in a highly competitive year for NHMRC!