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Campus properties update

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Exciting times are ahead for staff and students at Curtin WA School of Mines as the program of upgrades to the campus have now passed stage one.

Earlier this year, the upgrades of specialist research laboratories were completed for the start of 2015 and are now in full use by staff and students alike.

The implementation of state-of-the art information and communications technologies is currently underway, as is an upgrade of the furniture to key lecture and teaching spaces.

The new library is now in its second year of use and has provided significant improvements to the provision of 24/7 access to learning and research resources and study facilities for students.

“These are exciting times for students who choose to study in a location where industry meets education, and I look forward to seeing this campus continue to enhance the Curtin experience for our students,” said Curtin Vice-Chancellor, Professor Deborah Terry.

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