Campus and global community
Fire up innovation with the Curtin Ignition program
Curtin University’s Centre for Entrepreneurship is looking for people with ideas and innovations that could become a high growth business…
Curtin Sarawak gets vocal with speech competition
Do you dread the idea of speaking in public, or do you relish the chance to oratorically shine? Curtin Sarawak…
There’s more than one pathway to uni
Not everyone learns the same way. Fine art student Triniti Puckey is halfway through a Bachelor of Arts degree at…
Thirst for fashion: journalism alumna lands career with Gucci
Not many people could say they’ve met Cate Blanchett or BeyoncĂ©, but brushing shoulders with celebrities is all in a…
Curtin Business School partners with CCIWA
Curtin Business School (CBS) and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia (CCIWA) have partnered to offer internships…
Cancer technology could help cure crop disease problems
Researchers at the Centre for Crop and Disease Management (CCDM), co-supported by Curtin University and the Grains Research and Development…
Kalgoorlie Campus visited by WA Governor
Her Excellency the Honourable Kerry Sanderson AO, Governor of Western Australia, visited the WA School of Mines, Curtin University in…
Ghoulish demons inspire award-winning adventure series
Ghosts and literature often go hand-in-hand and Curtin’s Writing for Children lecturer Cristy Burne has forged an eclectic career from…
Cross cultural project to focus on representations of ageing women
A ground breaking new book on women and ageing will be the initial outcome of a research project launched last…
3 incredible places a degree in Occupational Therapy can take you
Occupational Therapy is one of the most rewarding career paths you can possibly take. Now you can become an Occupational…