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Campus and global community

Showing results 1300 to 1310 of 2445
Campus and global community

Curtin athletes ramp up for Uni Games

Suitcases are getting crammed with swim caps, shorts, shoes, frisbees and maybe a bowling ball, as Curtin student-athletes prepare for…

Campus and global community

Transport and roll-out: Curtin robot to compete in live knockout finals

Murphy the autonomous Curtin robot will be rolled-out later this month to compete in the National Instruments Autonomous Robotics Competition…

Campus and global community

Curtin to wind-up its Sydney operation

In a move to more closely align with its strategic vision, the Curtin University Council, in discussion with Navitas Ltd,…

Campus and global community

Shark detection system and sirens alert swimmers

Swimmers at Mullaloo Beach will have an extra line of defence against threats from sharks and other potential hazards as…

Campus and global community

Curtin moves ahead in the prestigious World University Rankings

Curtin University has again improved its ranking in the QS World University Rankings (QSWUR) from 331 last year to equal…

Campus and global community

Working to achieve wonders

Josephine Zimama is a second year health sciences student with a passion for health promotion. Motivated by the belief that…

Campus and global community

Curtin bids astrophysicist buona fortuna ma non addio…

Professor seconded to prestigious Italian Observatory Co-Director of the Curtin Institute of Radio Astronomy (CIRA) Professor Steven Tingay has been…

Campus and global community

International acclaim for refugee documentary

Curtin lecturer Dr Marilyn Metta, from the School of Media, Culture and Creative Arts has received international recognition for her…

Campus and global community

New centre reinforces Australia-India energy partnership

Curtin University and the Indian School of Mines have agreed to establish and operate the Australia-India Joint Research Centre for…

Campus and global community

In conversation with David Whish-Wilson

We speak to Western Australian author and Curtin Senior Lecturer David Whish-Wilson about his award-winning short story The Cook, crime writing,…

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