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Campus and global community

Showing results 1380 to 1390 of 2445
Campus and global community

Edible acid provides green alternative

Curtin University’s Gold Technology Group (GTG) has discovered a green alternative to the toxic systems currently used to leach precious…

Campus and global community

AUSIMM New Leaders’ Conference

The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (The AusIMM) will be hosting the New Leaders’ Conference in Kalgoorlie from 23…

Campus and global community

International Mining Games

Curtin WA School of Mines is excited to be hosting the 37th Safescape’s International Collegiate Mining Games in Kalgoorlie from…

Campus and global community

SANDitecture: where sand and assignment collide

If you happened to pass by Alcoa Court two weeks ago you may have seen a hubbub of students braving…

Campus and global community

Professor Stelarc wins Australia Council Award

Congratulations to Professor Stelarc, winner of an Australia Council Award for Outstanding Achievement in Emerging and Experimental Arts. Professor Stelarc,…

Campus and global community

Mentors for campus life

A specialised program is helping students with autism-related issues adjust and fit in. Curtin University is the first university in…

Campus and global community

Curtin research shows trans people have worst mental health

Curtin University researchers have completed the First Australian National Trans Mental Health Study with findings suggesting trans people may experience…

Campus and global community

Cisco Internet of Everything Innovation Centre launched at Curtin

Curtin University will host the Western Australian hub of the Cisco Internet of Everything (IoE) Innovation Centre (CIIC), as announced…

Campus and global community

Hollywood producer shares insights during Curtin’s Festival of Learning

Leading Hollywood producer Frank Chindamo will share his insights into the role of internet video in higher education with Curtin…

Campus and global community

Operatic spectacular wows Curtin Alumni

Curtin University alumni and guests attended the preview of the extraordinary operatic production of The Rabbits, a world-premier showcase event…

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