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Campus and global community

Showing results 1950 to 1960 of 2445
Campus and global community

Afghanistan: The old-new geopolitical blackhole

Curtin University Second Annual National Security and Strategy Workshop Strategic Flashlight Seminar Series Afghanistan: The old-new geopolitical blackhole Keynote address…

Campus and global community

Habitat 2010

More than 50 first-year Curtin University Architecture and Interior Architecture students will be constructing full-scale follies in Kings Park on…

Campus and global community

Students learn about stars, space and sharks

C215/10 Six local primary schools collaborated with the School of Science at Curtin University to host the inaugural ‘Space, Stars…

Campus and global community

Shadow Cabinet meets at Curtin

Western Australia’s Shadow Cabinet met at Curtin University today. Aside from considering weighty statewide issues, Opposition Leader Eric Ripper and…

Campus and global community

Volunteers play victims in mock disaster

John Curtin Weekend volunteers will round out a month of community service by playing victims in a mock disaster simulated…

Campus and global community

Curtin executive to cycle across Australia for charity

From 24 – 31 October, Curtin’s Chief Information Officer Peter Nikoletatos will take part in a non-stop ride across Australia…

Campus and global community

Curtin medalists provide food for thought

A couple who spent their retirement savings and overcame personal health hurdles to feed disadvantaged people across Perth have been…

Campus and global community

Students lend the monks a hand

A 22-strong band of Curtin volunteers will visit Australia’s only monastic town this weekend to help the monks out with…

Campus and global community

OT and Social Work centre on track

Curtin’s occupational therapy and social work students will have a brand new home next semester, with the opening of a…

Campus and global community

Something out of The Box

Curtin’s ‘The Box’ website has taken out top prize at the Australian marketing industry’s night of nights in Melbourne. The…

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