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Campus and global community

Showing results 1980 to 1990 of 2445
Campus and global community

Curtin honours the inventor of WiFi technology

Dr John O’Sullivan with his Honorary Doctorate Curtin University has recognised Dr John O’Sullivan’s ground breaking work in astronomy and…

Campus and global community

Insect experts swarm to Perth

C185/10 Entomology experts will gather this week at the 41st Australian Entomological Society (AES) scientific conference to discuss the importance…

Campus and global community

Curtin goes green during National Vegetarian Week

Curtin’s School of Public Health are showcasing the benefits of plant-based diets and encouraging Western Australians to live longer, younger…

Campus and global community

Curtin tests supersonic Aussie Invader

Curtin University is helping the Australian land speed record holder build a supersonic car he hopes will beat the Brits…

Campus and global community

Curtin honours respected WA businessman

Curtin University will tonight award respected West Australian businessman and former Chancellor Gordon Martin with an Honorary Doctorate of Technology.…

Campus and global community

New future for Northam campus

Curtin University has welcomed results of the ‘Review of Post Secondary Agricultural Education in Western Australia’ released yesterday by Education…

Campus and global community

24/7 research hub for health sciences postgrads

Work has started on a 24/7 research hub for Curtin’s health sciences postgraduates. Due to open in January 2011, the…

Campus and global community

Virtual counselling reaps rewards

A Curtin psychology lecturer who engages an actor and a real-life client to put students in the shoes of real-life…

Campus and global community

Curtin calling for garden gurus

Curtin is calling for local community members who are keen garden gurus to volunteer their knowledge with students at the…

Campus and global community

Action on Alcohol and Youth needed – launch of new Centre

C171/10 The McCusker Centre for Action on Alcohol and Youth (MCAAY) was launched today to reduce alarming levels of alcohol…

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