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Campus and global community

Showing results 2060 to 2070 of 2445
Campus and global community

Curtin showcases student achievement on iTunes U

Curtin University of Technology today launched Curtin on iTunes U, providing the ability to deliver free educational content through the…

Campus and global community

2010 graduation ceremony address – Professor Mark Buntine

Good evening Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, members of the University Council, distinguished guests, colleagues, graduates, families and friends. It is an honour…

Campus and global community

Science teachers find new home at Curtin

The Science Teachers Association of Western Australia (STAWA) has relocated to Curtin University of Technology’s new $116 million Resources and…

Campus and global community

2010 graduation address – Glen Hutchings, Curtin Business School

Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, and new graduates of Curtin University.  Let me say first of all that…

Campus and global community

Curtin marks the anniversary of the Apology with reflection and discussion

Two years on from Prime Minister Rudd’s groundbreaking Apology to the Indigenous Australians, Curtin’s Centre for Aboriginal Studies (CAS) marked…

Campus and global community

Curtin, STAWA and Eco Education welcome the International Year of Biodiversity

Curtin University of Technology, the Science Teacher’s Association of WA (STAWA) and Eco Education have officially launched their support of…

Campus and global community

2010 graduation ceremony address – Deputy Vice Chancellor Professor Jane den Hollander

Chancellor,  Graduates and guests. Thank you for inviting me to speak at this Graduation ceremony this evening.  I begin tonight…

Campus and global community

Curtin graduate highlights spinal cord injuries

C030/10 Outstanding Curtin University of Technology physiotherapy graduate, Melita Morriss, has excelled with her research on spinal cord injuries and…

Campus and global community

Curtin Professor takes over WA Engineering body

Curtin University of Technology’s Professor Tony Lucey has been appointed President of Engineers Australia’s WA Division. The Head of Curtin’s…

Campus and global community

2010 graduation ceremony address – Dr Don Humphreys

Good evening Chancellor, Vice Chancellor distinguished guests, graduands, ladies and gentlemen. It is a great honour to be invited to…

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