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Campus and global community

Showing results 2350 to 2360 of 2445
Campus and global community

Curtin graduate and top fashion designer showcases work at John Curtin Gallery

C210/08 28 July 2008 22 August – 10 October The work of Perth fashion designer and Curtin University of Technology…

Campus and global community

Inspiration from the mundane leads to solo exhibition

C211/08 25 July 2008 Outstanding Curtin University of Technology postgraduate art student Mark Parfitt’s unique artistic practice has earned him…

Campus and global community

West Point expert at Curtin to talk on Counter-Terrorism

C213/08 24 July 2008 Responses to Extremist Ideology in the South East Asian Context by Mr Christopher Heffelfinger 10.30 am…

Campus and global community

House of Tarvydas, a retrospective, at the JCG

C195/08 22 July 2008 House of Tarvydas, a retrospective, at the JCG 22 August – 10 October 2008 The John…

Campus and global community

Curtin fostering tomorrow’s leaders

C206/08 22 July 2008 Rotary Clubs in Western Australia are supporting the John Curtin Leadership Academy (JCLA) because it is…

Campus and global community

Forgery exposed by light

C207/08 22 July 2008 In a first for Curtin University of Technology’s forensics team, the ABC program “Can we help…

Campus and global community

Looking Out – An exhibition celebrating the internationalisation of WA fashion

C209/08 22 July 2008 Looking Out – An exhibition celebrating the internationalisation of WA fashion 22 August – 10 October…

Campus and global community

Malcolm Turnbull at Curtin to talk on emissions trading

C205/08 21 July 2008 An Emissions Trading Scheme – The Coalition Perspective by the Hon Malcolm Turnbull MHR Shadow Treasurer…

Campus and global community

Last chance to see dOFa08 at John Curtin Gallery

C201/08 14 July 2008 This is the final week to view the current John Curtin Gallery exhibition, dOFa08, which features…

Campus and global community

Vogel prize winning Curtin lecturer launches second novel

C200/08 11 July 2008 Beneath the Bloodwood Tree, the second novel by Vogel winning author and Curtin University of Technology…

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