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Campus and global community

Showing results 500 to 510 of 2441
Campus and global community

Curtin’s new MOOC offers tools for social entrepreneurs to change the world

Social entrepreneurs from across the globe who are passionate about social justice and transforming the lives of those less fortunate…

Campus and global community

Curtin jumps to ninth in Australia in latest global ranking

Curtin University has risen to a national ranking of ninth in Australia in the Center for World University Rankings’ (CWUR)…

Campus and global community

Curtin awarded digital excellence honours for student experience

Curtin University has today been named an ABA100 Winner for Digital CX Management in The Australian Business Awards 2019. The…

Campus and global community

New Curtin scholarship to help improve outlook for liver cancer patients

Curtin University and the Lions Cancer Institute Inc. have announced a new PhD scholarship that aims to improve the outcomes…

Campus and global community

Curtin researcher and educator excels in awards for pharmacy excellence

Leading Curtin pharmacy academic Dr Tin Fei Sim has been named the Australian Early Career Pharmacist of the Year at…

Campus and global community

Access an 8% discount on leisure travel booked through Expedia

Receive a discount on leisure travel booked through Expedia thanks to Curtin’s new Business Travel Partner ‘Egencia’. Access the deal…

Campus and global community

Eureka Prize nomination for Curtin research into chemical reactions

Two Curtin University scientists are finalists in the 2019 Australian Museum Eureka Prizes, for research that may enable more efficient and…

Campus and global community

Inaugural competition attracts top Chinese accounting students to WA

A team of accounting and finance students from Beijing National Accounting Institute in China has won the top prize at…

Campus and global community

Curtin awards six new Emeritus Professors

Curtin University has awarded six academics the title of Emeritus Professor in recognition of their extensive contribution to the University…


Curtin Institute of Radio Astronomy awarded for gender advancement

The Curtin Institute of Radio Astronomy (CIRA) has received a Silver Pleiades Award from the Astronomical Society of Australia in…

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