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Campus and global community

Showing results 630 to 640 of 2441
Campus and global community

Curtin’s plan to combat chronic liver disease and cancer

From baby boomers to Gen Z, obesity is Australia’s multi-generational malady. The number of cancer deaths related to obesity, including…

Campus and global community

Research finds ethical sourcing of seeds required for global restoration

Hundreds of thousands of tonnes of wild seeds are needed to restore plant ecosystems globally but overharvesting risks their depletion…

Campus and global community

Disability no barrier for social work student

Meredith Grose is a self-confessed people person. Although she completed a Bachelor of Commerce, and worked for many years in…

Campus and global community

Curtin Professors recognised with prestigious humanities fellowships

Two Curtin University researchers – an internationally renowned creative writer and a world-leading scholar of Chinese cultural and creative industries…

Campus and global community

New study gives insight into Alzheimer’s and diabetes link

Type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease are responsible for the deaths of thousands of Australians every year. While a metabolic…

Campus and global community

Curtin researchers named national role models for women in STEM

Curtin University astronomy researcher Dr Natasha Hurley-Walker and molecular plant pathologist Dr Caroline Moffat are among only 60 female scientists…

Campus and global community

Global summit inspires students to make an impact through technology and enterprise

How would you use technology to make the world a better place? Progressive thinkers from around the world came together…

Campus and global community

RACI awards for Curtin science education and neurochemistry experts

Two Curtin University academics have been recognised by the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI) – in recognition of their work…

Campus and global community

Research finds that now is the time to protect WA’s tall forests

South-western Australia’s tall karri forests require a new management approach for their conservation based on a changed moral consensus in…

Campus and global community

John Curtin’s legacy celebrated at 2018 Prime Minister Literary Awards

An Australian biography that documents the nation’s 14th Prime Minister John Curtin’s rise to power and his pivotal role in…

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