Campus and global community
Curtin’s student exchange and study abroad programs
Take advantage of Curtin study abroad programs to combine your study with travel! Be sure to find out more about…
Getting to the root of the problem
As food security becomes an acute global problem due to factors such as population growth, land degradation and climate change,…
Electrochemical aspects of semiconductors no longer ‘flawed’
Researchers from Curtin University have been able to reproduce and explain the often puzzling behaviour of electrons that enter or…
New Curtin Professor and MWA Director to help drive WA towards the SKA
Curtin University has attracted one of the world’s leading astronomers from the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) project. Professor Melanie Johnston-Hollitt…
Fashion mix sets students on path to success
Months of hard work and long hours came to a successful climax recently with Curtin University’s student fashion designers presenting…
An app-ortunity to help measure global environmental restoration efforts
A new Curtin University developed app aimed at helping users around the globe monitor their own conservation efforts has just…
Technology providing a guiding light in an emergency
Curtin alumnus Con Michael has developed a product that is set to revolutionise emergency response management. It’s set to make…
Telescopes team up to study giant galaxy
Astronomers have used two Australian radio telescopes and several optical telescopes to study complex mechanisms that are fuelling jets of…
Curtin University fundraising supports local communities
Some of Perth’s most vulnerable children and young people will receive almost 800 toys this festive season, thanks to Curtin…
Indigenous students take part in inaugural mining program
Eight Indigenous students travelled to Kalgoorlie-Boulder recently to take part in an inaugural five-day intensive program designed to inform and…