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Campus and global community

Showing results 900 to 910 of 2445
Campus and global community

GRDC extends investment in Centre for Crop and Disease Management

A $100 million national research centre will receive an $18 million funding extension over three years to build on research…

Campus and global community

Get to know Curtin’s new Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) 2017-2020.

Curtin has a new Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) with a focus on Universal Design and a vision to…

Campus and global community

Curtin University plays important role in worldwide cosmic event

Researchers from Curtin University have joined forces with astronomers from around the world in a major project to capture radiation…

Campus and global community

Destination Nepal

During semester break, nine Physiotherapy students from the School of Physiotherapy and Exercise Science stepped off a plane into the…

Campus and global community

Curtin Business School extends Bernard Salt’s appointment

Curtin Business School has extended the appointment of leading Australian commentator and demographer Bernard Salt for another three years. Mr…

Campus and global community

Curtin researchers ‘muddy’ current thinking on Earth’s mantle

Curtin University researchers have for the first time discovered the melting of mud in the Earth’s mantle, providing insights into…

Campus and global community

Back to the future for Chinese and Australian authors

The past will collide with the future when Curtin University’s China Australia Writing Centre hosts its second annual panel discussion…

Campus and global community

John Curtin Medal honours two Indigenous leaders

Two Aboriginal leaders in their respective fields were today announced as the 2017 John Curtin Medallists at a special ceremony…

Campus and global community

Curtin University celebrates the opening of its Dubai campus

West Australian industry figures joined representatives from Curtin University to celebrate the opening of the University’s Dubai campus at a…

Campus and global community

How Kip is driving research and innovation

How do you feel about driverless vehicles? Are you ready to let a machine make potentially life-or-death decisions for you?…

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