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A clear game-changer: Curtin’s water-repellent glass breaks new ground

Curtin University researchers have developed a new technique to make glass water-repellent, a feature that could improve safety in vehicles,…


Let there be light: Bright future for solar panels, TV screens and more

From brighter TV screens to better medical diagnostics and more efficient solar panels, new Curtin-led research has discovered how to…


Study finds silicon, gold and copper among new weapons against COVID-19

New Curtin research has found the spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2, a strain of coronaviruses that caused the COVID-19 pandemic, become…


Curtin researcher the first Australian to receive Houtermans Award

Leading Curtin computational chemist Dr Raffaella Demichelis has been named the 2022 recipient of the prestigious F. G. Houtermans Award…


Curtin scientists recognised for leading astronomy and chemistry research

Curtin astrophysicist Associate Professor Cathryn Trott and electrochemistry researcher Associate Professor Debbie Silvester-Dean have been recognised for their exceptional contributions…

Campus and global community

Distinguished chemistry Professor awarded Curtin Honorary Doctorate

Lauded chemistry Professor and previous President of the Australian Academy of Science, Professor Andrew Holmes, has been presented an Honorary…


Curtin electrochemistry researcher wins prestigious Rennie Memorial Medal

A Curtin University electrochemistry researcher who made a fast start to her career has been awarded the prestigious Rennie Memorial…

Campus and global community

RACI awards for Curtin science education and neurochemistry experts

Two Curtin University academics have been recognised by the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI) – in recognition of their work…


Glowing reports: the visibility of luminescence research

In the frontier science fusion of synthetic chemistry and photophysics, an Australian collaboration has prepared a step change for diagnostic…

Campus and global community

Chemistry expert honoured with Curtin room naming

Leading scientist Dr John Hosking’s contribution to the field of chemistry has been recognised with a room officially named after…

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