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Earth science

Showing results 20 to 30 of 31
Earth science

Pacific Ocean set to make way for world’s next supercontinent

New Curtin University-led research has found that the world’s next supercontinent, Amasia, will most likely form when the Pacific Ocean…

Earth science

Lunar glass shows Moon asteroid impacts mirrored on Earth

A Curtin-led research team has found asteroid impacts on the Moon millions of years ago coincided precisely with some of…

Earth science

Wajarri school students the next science rock stars

Remote Indigenous school students are learning about the science behind the Earth’s oldest rocks on their lands as part of…

Campus and global community

Study unearths ancient reef structure high and dry on the Nullarbor Plain

Curtin researchers and international collaborators using advanced satellite imagery have discovered an ancient reef-like landform ‘hidden’ in plain view on…

Earth science

Earth’s ancient water cycle was key to making continents, study shows

A new Curtin University study has found that water was transported much deeper in the early Earth than previously thought,…

Campus and global community

New technique unlocks ancient history of Earth from grains of sand

Curtin researchers have developed a new technique by studying the age of ancient grains of sand from beaches, rivers and…

Data science

Consistent asteroid showers rock previous thinking on Mars craters

New Curtin University research has confirmed the frequency of asteroid collisions that formed impact craters on Mars has been consistent…

Campus and global community

Study suggests Sun is likely an unaccounted source of the Earth’s water

Curtin University researchers have helped unravel the enduring mystery of the origins of the Earth’s water, finding the Sun to…

Earth science

Curtin research finds first clues to start of Earth’s supercontinent cycle

Curtin University research has uncovered the first solid clues about the very beginning of the supercontinent cycle of Earth, finding…

Earth science

New placement for one of Earth’s largest mass extinction events

Curtin University research has shed new light on when one of the largest mass extinction events on Earth occurred, which…

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