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Showing results 150 to 160 of 176
Campus and global community

Curtin researchers share secret seed recipe for better biodiversity

Curtin University researchers have developed a seed-coating technology that can help bring degraded landscapes back to life and repair damaged…

Campus and global community

Bayswater community works with architecture students to inject life back into suburb

The city of Bayswater has been “treading water” for nearly 25 years, according to Chair of Future Bayswater, Paul Shanahan.…


The brains behind Australia’s first groundwater replenishment scheme

Over the past 50 years, the rainfall in Western Australia’s southwest has decreased by nearly a fifth, prompting Perth to embark…

Climate change & conservation

The carbon positive living lab: White Gum Valley

Australia’s signing of the Paris Agreement signifies the nation’s commitment to reducing the use of fossil fuels to combat climate…


Fire and flora: a relationship 100 million years strong

Living at this moment in geological time on our hot, dry continent, it would seem that fire is a natural…


Perth’s trapdoor spiders living on ‘burrowed’ time

Australia is home to a plethora of plants and animals that are not found anywhere else on Earth, making the…

Campus and global community

Malaysian discovery sheds new light on early Earth

Geologists from Curtin Malaysia have dated a grain of zircon at 4.2 billion years old, making it the second-oldest rock ever…


Researchers in focus: Professor Teri Balser

Congratulations to Professor Teri Balser, whose frontier-challenging leadership in teaching and research across microbiology and other environmental studies disciplines has…


Researchers in focus: Professor Kingsley Dixon

Congratulations to Professor Kingsley Dixon, whose discovery of the chemical in smoke that stimulates germination in Australian plant species has…


Ancient Arctic plant DNA unlocks climate change from the past

Trekking across the Arctic tundra and crossing ice-blue fjords, setting up camp in sub-zero temperatures and staying vigilant for polar…

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