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Showing results 160 to 170 of 182

Perth’s trapdoor spiders living on ‘burrowed’ time

Australia is home to a plethora of plants and animals that are not found anywhere else on Earth, making the…

Campus and global community

Malaysian discovery sheds new light on early Earth

Geologists from Curtin Malaysia have dated a grain of zircon at 4.2 billion years old, making it the second-oldest rock ever…


Researchers in focus: Professor Teri Balser

Congratulations to Professor Teri Balser, whose frontier-challenging leadership in teaching and research across microbiology and other environmental studies disciplines has…


Researchers in focus: Professor Kingsley Dixon

Congratulations to Professor Kingsley Dixon, whose discovery of the chemical in smoke that stimulates germination in Australian plant species has…


Ancient Arctic plant DNA unlocks climate change from the past

Trekking across the Arctic tundra and crossing ice-blue fjords, setting up camp in sub-zero temperatures and staying vigilant for polar…

Campus and global community

Now you see us: how casting an eerie glow on fish can help count and conserve them

News stories about fish often focus either on large fish like sharks, or on tasty seafood. So it might come…

Climate change & conservation

Bolstering Bangladesh: Curtin researchers help nation on the path to sustainability

Curtin University Sustainable Policy Institute (CUSP) recently worked with the Government of Bangladesh’s Governance Innovation Unit to help implement the UN’s Sustainable…

Campus and global community

Curtin University researchers discover part of North America in northern Australia

Curtin University researchers have discovered rocks in northern Queensland that bear striking similarities to those found in North America, suggesting…

Campus and global community

Earth’s mid-life crisis – new research backs ‘lull’ in the geologic record

New research backing claims that the Earth experienced a ‘geological lull’ in its development around 2.3 to 2.2 billion years…

Campus and global community

From tailings to trees, mine site restoration needs more time

More time is needed to allow for adequate mine site restoration practices, according to a new paper from the ARC…

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