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Showing results 170 to 180 of 348
Campus and global community

Study finds tiny ‘nano’ capsules effective in treating type two diabetes

Curtin University researchers have developed tiny capsules that are able to effectively target the liver and pancreas reducing the inflammatory…


Study finds bereavement program helps children deal with grief

A new bereavement program designed for children who are dealing with the sudden loss of a parent or sibling has…

Campus and global community

Book on meat alternatives market wins prized World Book Gourmand Award

A book by Curtin researchers about the booming meat alternatives market was recognised at the recent World Book Gourmand Awards,…

Campus and global community

Study finds migrants exposed to higher risk in the workplace

Migrants to Australia are more vulnerable to hazards in the workplace than Australian-born workers, a Curtin study has revealed. Working…


Common asbestos lung disease does not increase risk of lung cancer

People who are diagnosed with the most common form of asbestos-related lung disease are not at an increased risk of…


Conceiving within six months of birth does not increase risk of diabetes

Curtin University researchers have found insufficient evidence to suggest that falling pregnant again within six months of giving birth is…


New program boosts exercise among South Asian and Middle East women

South Asian and Middle Eastern women living in Western Australia will now have the opportunity to benefit from a new…


Curtin study prompts re-think of lifting with a straight back

New Curtin University research has found no evidence to suggest that lifting with a rounded, flexed back caused an increased…


New report exposes ‘pink and pretty’ alcohol marketing tactics to women

A new report has uncovered the tactics the alcohol industry is using to make their products more appealing to women…


Coloured nutritional labels could help consumers make healthier choices

The effectiveness of the Health Star Rating system in helping consumers make healthier food choices could be increased by using…

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