Misfortune teller: predicting concussion complications early
While most people recover from concussion within a few weeks, a small group will experience significant psychological and cognitive symptoms…
Curtin’s plan to combat chronic liver disease and cancer
From baby boomers to Gen Z, obesity is Australia’s multi-generational malady. The number of cancer deaths related to obesity, including…
NHMRC funding for new Curtin research from Alzheimer’s to phobias
Curtin University’s health and medical research received a significant boost in the latest funding round from the National Health and…
New study gives insight into Alzheimer’s and diabetes link
Type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease are responsible for the deaths of thousands of Australians every year. While a metabolic…
Aged care workforce not keeping up with high care demand
Lower paid and lower skilled personal care workers are likely to be substituting the work of enrolled nurses in Australia’s…
RACI awards for Curtin science education and neurochemistry experts
Two Curtin University academics have been recognised by the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI) – in recognition of their work…
Strength exercises could help older adults get back on their feet, study finds
Older adults who participate in strength training may have a better chance of being able to get up independently after…
Cannabis compound gives hope to patients with pancreatic cancer
Pancreatic cancer patients in Western Australia will be offered a medicinal cannabis compound in clinical trials conducted by Curtin University.…
Priority actions recommended to address HIV in Australia
Curtin University researchers have recommended a suite of priority action areas to address the current gaps in Australia’s response to…
Keeping cancer in check: the potential of checkpoint blockade to treat elderly cancer patients
Globally, the proportion of the population aged 60 and over is growing faster than all younger age groups. While it’s…