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Showing results 300 to 310 of 348
Campus and global community

Leading Curtin Professor recognised for lifetime commitment to nursing

Curtin University has congratulated Professor Phillip Della on being presented the 2018 Lifetime Achievement Honour at the Western Australian Nursing…

Campus and global community

Conditions like back pain and arthritis must have global health response

International experts, led by Curtin University, are calling for global action from health authorities to address the huge burden of…

Medical science

How can we help adolescents climb ‘OCD Mountain’?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a debilitating mental health condition that’s believed to affect at least 500,000 Australians, with adolescents representing…

Medical science

Researchers in focus: Professor Christopher Reid

Congratulations to Professor Christopher Reid, whose research into how to identify, prevent and manage cardiovascular and chronic disease risk factors,…


Fitness tracking devices to motivate older Australians, new research finds

Researchers from Curtin University have found fitness tracking devices worn by older Australians could help promote physical activity and reduce…

Medical science

Researchers in focus: Professor Simone Pettigrew

Congratulations to Professor Simone Pettigrew, whose work in researching how to encourage people to adopt healthy lifestyle behaviours, such as…

Medical science

You’re the voice: the evolution of the PainChek app

How can someone tell you they’re experiencing pain or discomfort that isn’t overtly visible, if they can’t communicate through speech?…


Curtin research finds no vasectomy reversal link to prostate cancer

New Curtin University research that studied almost 10,000 men who had undergone vasectomy reversals across the globe has found no…


Death may still come as a shock for family carers, research finds

Family members who are caring for a dying loved one are often mentally and behaviourally prepared for the death but…


Curtin University plays key role in new digital health initiative

Curtin University is proud to be partnering with the new Digital Health Cooperative Research Centre (CRC), which aims to improve…

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