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Showing results 40 to 50 of 348
Business, innovation and law

Collaborate, ideate, exterminate… Could you be working with a ‘corporate psychopath’?

How would you describe a ‘psychopath’? Books and movies like the chilling American Psycho and Tom Harris’ thriller Silence of…

Medical science

Using “superhero bugs” and AI to save lives from infections

Curtin University research is aiming to combine artificial intelligence with natural, infection-fighting viruses to help save lives from an increasingly…


Joint poll: Could pharmacists help bridge the gap in osteoarthritis care?

A joint research initiative led by Curtin University will investigate the feasibility of community pharmacists taking a more active role…


After the Fires reveals urgent mental health needs of bushfire responders

The final Curtin University-led After the Fires report has highlighted the mental health struggles of first responders in the aftermath…


Children in mourning are curious about death, grief and afterlife, study finds

New Curtin University-led research has found that children who have experienced the death of a loved one will benefit from…

Awards and achievements

Funding boost for Curtin health innovators

Two Curtin University researchers who are developing potentially life changing treatments for hearing loss and Alzheimer’s disease have received Future…

Awards and achievements

Curtin wins global edX Prize for exceptional teaching

Curtin University’s outstanding Autism and Mental Health course has won the prestigious 2023 edX Prize for Exceptional Contributions in Online…


Global review reveals ADHD rates in adults

A groundbreaking review of studies involving more than 21 million people worldwide has revealed attention deficit hyperactivity disorder affects a…


Going with the grain to combat diabetes

Curtin researcher, Associate Professor Stuart Johnson, has discovered that a grain used mainly in animal feed in Australia contains properties…


Pedal power pays off: mountain biking benefits outweigh risks

New Curtin research into injuries sustained by trail users has found mountain biking is not the dangerous, injury-plagued sport reserved…

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