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Showing results 1010 to 1020 of 1532
Campus and global community

Exercise independently linked to heart health and living longer

Curtin University researchers have found exercise can significantly protect against heart disease, regardless of lifestyle factors such as smoking, cholesterol…

Campus and global community

Telehealth could keep patients with heart conditions out of hospital

Curtin University researchers have received funding to trial nurse-supported telehealth to manage treatment of patients with chronic heart failure. Dr…


It’s red, it’s blue: new colour boosts forensic fingerprint detection

Forensic investigators may soon be able to use a new, more effective and low-cost method of detecting latent (invisible) fingerprints,…


Resource industry boosted by national research collaboration

The Hon Ian Macfarlane MP, Federal Minister for Industry, today launched the National Resource Sciences Precinct (NRSP), a CSIRO, Curtin…


New $100 million grains research centre at Curtin to lift farm productivity

The Hon Barnaby Joyce, Federal Minister for Agriculture, today launched the $100 million Centre for Crop and Disease Management (CCDM)…


Ancient DNA shows moa were fine until humans arrived

A study by Curtin University researchers and colleagues from Denmark and New Zealand strengthens the case for human involvement in…

Campus and global community

Four new John Curtin Distinguished Professors announced

Curtin University has awarded four outstanding academics the prestigious title of John Curtin Distinguished Professor. Curtin University Vice-Chancellor, Professor Deborah…


No right to work – a look inside the lives of asylum seekers

Asylum seekers living in Australian communities without the right to work are battling distress and fear, a new study from…


New fast and furious black hole found

A team of Australian and American astronomers have been studying nearby galaxy M83 and have found a new superpowered small…


Sharing the Boom in Western Australia…but how equally?

Western Australians have seen clear benefits from the mining boom – but not all have benefitted equally, with the State’s…

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