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Showing results 1310 to 1320 of 1536

Controlling the remote

Superimposing loyalty banners over the lower eighth of TV screens during ad breaks can reduce channel changes by almost 40…


Groundbreaking discovery in plant adaptations to fire

Research by a team of Curtin University plant biologists shows Australian plants have been exposed to fire for 40 million…


Re-Inventing the Doctor: What will medicine look like in 20 years’ time?

The changing nature of the relationship between doctor and patient will be explored at a free public lecture hosted by…


Curtin research to help reduce bowel cancer in men

C098/11 Devesh Oberoi A medical doctor has joined Curtin University from India to conduct research to help improve early diagnosis…


Crop fungi evolving at a faster rate than ever

Research by a Curtin University genomic scientist has identified a novel evolutionary process in the fungi that contribute to 10…


Is the gender gap closing?

A study by Curtin University researchers has revealed the hidden story behind national-level figures that paint a picture of Australia…


Project aims to support family carers of loved ones at end-of-life

C091/11 A Curtin-led international collaboration is aiming to bring dignity and support to end-of-life patients and the people who care…


Unique pavement research could save millions

Curtin University’s Pavement Research Group has partnered with Main Roads WA, the City of Canning, the West Australian C&D waste…


The problem with public art

A Curtin University academic says the lack of ‘critical discourse’ about public art in Western Australia is to blame when…

Campus and global community

Curtin receives payment for Internet data flow technology

Curtin University will receive up to $1.2 million for its part in developing a ground-breaking technology as part of the…

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