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Showing results 1350 to 1360 of 1536

Curtin Scientists immortalised in the names of local animals

A survey into the identification of many rare and endangered invertebrate animals on Barrow Island has seen Curtin entomologists’ work…


Solving the world’s problems, one puzzle at a time

Curtin University’s Professor Louis Caccetta’s Maths Enrichment Program is helping demystify preconceived attitudes towards maths for school-aged students all over…


WA’s first Professor of Midwifery appointed

Professor Yvonne Hauck has been appointed as WA’s inaugural Professor of Midwifery – a joint partnership between King Edward Memorial…


New energy inserted into Curtin’s mining potential

Curtin University has welcomed the arrival of Professor Peter Lilly to the role of Executive Director of Minerals and Energy…


Catch a falling star and find out where it came from

Star-gazing cameras have helped a team of scientists from around the world to discover a new meteorite in Western Australia’s…


New Table delivers element of surprise

For the first time in a century, the release of a new Table of Standard Atomic Weights of the Elements…


Geologist breaks up beliefs regarding Australian continent formation

A joint study by Curtin University researchers into the formation of Australia will alter traditional beliefs regarding the age-old formation…


Cataract surgery reduces car accidents and economic costs

Curtin researchers have found that cataract surgery not only improves impaired vision, but also significantly reduces motor vehicle accidents, which…

Campus and global community

Prime Minister’s award rewards student’s industry savvy

Curtin Graduate School of Business, Master of Science student, Andrew Gunua, has won the prestigious Prime Minister’s Pacific Australia (PMPA)…


John de Laeter Award for research leadership

Curtin’s Institute of Theoretical Physics Director, Professor Igor Bray, has won the inaugural John de Laeter Award, awarded by Curtin…

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