Action on Alcohol and Youth needed – launch of new Centre
C171/10 The McCusker Centre for Action on Alcohol and Youth (MCAAY) was launched today to reduce alarming levels of alcohol…
Rigorous standards highlight need for home trained doctors
Friday 17 September 2010 C172/10 New rigorous standards being introduced to ensure foreign trained doctors meet Australian standards could result…
University MoU to build South Korean mineral resource expertise
C170/10 An education initiative involving Curtin University and UWA will help to strengthen ties to build South Korean academic expertise…
Wheat grain quality and yield in high rainfall zones increased by Nitrogen
C167/10 A Curtin University PhD student study has found wheat quality and grain yields were increased by adding nitrogen fertiliser…
Marine pollution threatens snail sex life
C166/10 Curtin University research has established that female marine snails living off the Perth coast are growing male sex organs…
Study to improve palliative care for people who have dementia
C164/10 Curtin University and partner organisations have launched a research study that brings together health service providers to improve care…
Kookaburras raising cancer awareness
Awareness of prostate cancer will be raised when the Australian men’s hockey team sports fluorescent yellow shirts in two upcoming…
Curtin-led research to benefit endangered plant species conservation at mining sites
C157/10 New research led by Curtin University will look at using cryogenic storage as a way of ensuring the survival…
Curtin research produces cost effective power sustainably
Friday 13 August 2010 C155/10 Curtin University researchers have made a breakthrough in converting biomass, such as mallee, into “clean”…
Alfresco smoke risk to health
Wednesday 4 August 2010 C150/10 Air quality tests at Perth cafes and pubs show that when two or more people…