Curtin joins fight against institutional racism
A leading Curtin cultural theorist has joined the call for the recognition of institutional racism in everyday life. Curtin Department…
Curtin Professor finds dietary key in preventing Alzheimer’s
Watching what you eat has never been more important in light of new research linking fat intake and brain disease.…
New patient blood management system could save millions
New Curtin University of Technology research into patient blood management could save the WA health system up to $2 million…
Research scholarships are now open
Applications are now open for the Australian Postgraduate Awards (APA) and Curtin University Postgraduate Scholarships (CUPS). Students with exceptional research…
Curtin study explains link between fat intake and Alzheimer’s
New Curtin University of Technology research has revealed the link between Alzheimer’s disease and fat intake. In one of the…
West Australian Premier launches $100million centre to boost megaproject chances
In a bid to host the largest scientific project of the early 21st century, Premier Colin Barnett today launched the…
New agreement builds Perth’s status as international research hub
An agreement between the Western Australian Energy Research Alliance (WA:ERA) and international seismic surveying firm CGG Veritas has the potential…
New technology helps deep drilling
C282/09 Researchers at Curtin University of Technology have developed equipment that will allow oil and gas drillers to accurately model…
Asteroids and evolution
A new international study is looking at the impact of asteroid collisions on the evolution of life on Earth. Research…
The global tobacco industry – worried about Western Australia
A Curtin University of Technology research program has identified some of the ways in which the world’s biggest tobacco companies…