Curtin led team discover key to earliest life on Earth
C191/08 3 July 2008 The accepted timeframe for the beginnings of life on Earth is now being questioned by a…
Curtin Profile – Satis Arnold
Curtin’s new sustainable development initiative (SDI) is well-placed to have a real impact on the future of Western Australia and…
Fresh idea channels water to win Enviro 08 Award
C157/08 Channelling rainwater for domestic use has won talented Curtin University Engineering graduate Vinod Ramamurthy the prestigious 2008 National Undergraduate…
Spreading daily intake of fat may reduce cardiovascular disease
C142/08 New research being undertaken at Curtin University will investigate the significance of the amount of fat consumed in one…
New research into chronic tennis elbow pain wins international award
C143/08 A respected Curtin University of Technology researcher has received international recognition by winning the prestigious ‘David Lamb Memorial Award’…
Curtin experts to show the future of sustainable tourism in Carnarvon and Coral Bay
C138/09 The Ningaloo Tourism Futures Forums In Carnarvon on Thursday May 22 1.00pm-3.00pm Lotteries House Carnarvon In Coral Bay on…
Curtin experts to show the future of sustainable tourism for Exmouth
C139/08 The Ningaloo Tourism Futures Forum Friday 23 May 2008 3.00-5.00pm TAFE, Exmouth Funded by the CSIRO Flagship Collaboration Fund…
Curtin adventurers to follow Canning’s pioneering footsteps
C136/08 100 years after pioneer Alfred Canning surveyed the Canning Stock Route, Curtin University students and members of the local…
Misunderstandings and illness hampered Curtin – Roosevelt relations
C131/08 A visiting international historian has revealed that misunderstandings and illness were among the reasons why war-time Prime Minister John…
Healthy Junk Food for Your Family?
C130/08 Australian Innovation Festival Public Information Session Healthy Junk Food for Your Family? Monday 12 May 2008 5.30pm – 7pm…