New research reveals impact of seismic surveys on zooplankton
Marine seismic surveys used in petroleum exploration could cause a two to three-fold increase in mortality of adult and larval…
Australia ahead of England when it comes to teaching English
England’s education curriculum for teaching English lags behind Australia’s curriculum, new research from Curtin University has found. The research by…
New app maps the prevalence of asbestos in WA homes
Curtin University researchers are aiming to map the prevalence of asbestos in homes across Western Australia and help home renovators…
Pre-operative exercise helps lung cancer surgery recovery
Lung cancer patients who undertake one to four weeks of supervised exercise training before surgery have fewer post-surgery complications and…
Curtin rises in esteemed World University Rankings
Curtin University continues to climb the QS World University Rankings (QSWUR), rising to 262 in 2017-18, up from 306 in…
Women in STEMM: Dr Peta Dzidic
Dr Peta Dzidic, School of Psychology, chooses her collaborators carefully, and to date it has served her well. As an…
Curtin University plays key role in unlocking supervolcano mystery
Research involving Curtin University is helping shed new light on the behaviour of the earth’s supervolcanoes. Supervolcanoes are volcanoes on…
Women in STEMM: Elissa Burton
As a child, Dr Elissa Burton was sports mad and school was of secondary importance. Fittingly, she went on to…
Payment delays impacting on vitality of WA small businesses
The Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre’s (BCEC) new Small Business Survey 2017 reveals that payment delays from big to small businesses…
The business and buzz of luxury branding
Industry and academic leaders in luxury marketing recently gathered in the buzzing city of Seoul, South Korea, for ‘The Mystique…