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Showing results 930 to 940 of 1536
Campus and global community

China and Australia exchange writing skills and cultural experience

Curtin University today launched a new and exciting initiative to showcase Australian writing in China and Chinese writing in Australia.…

Campus and global community

Futile Labor

The John Curtin Gallery presents the world premiere of an exciting multi-sensory art installation that explores the growing phenomenon of…

Campus and global community

Community recognised for Action on Alcohol

Winners of the 2015 Action on Alcohol Awards have been acknowledged for their efforts to reduce alcohol harm in young…

Campus and global community

Super Star takes on Black Holes in Jet Contest

Media Release from ICRAR, International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research A super-dense star formed in the aftermath of a supernova…

Campus and global community

Black holes, fireballs and fungal pathogens: Premier’s Science Awards finalists announced

Three Curtin University researchers have been named finalists in the 2015 Premier’s Science Awards. The awards recognise Western Australia’s scientific…

Campus and global community

‘Fading Lights’ brings atomic bombings into focus

Exhibition at the HIVE, John Curtin Gallery shows where Australian troops witnessed and survived the atom bomb Researchers from Curtin…


Watch out for powdery mildew on resistant varieties

Media Release issued by the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) Growers who observe powdery mildew on barley varieties rated…

Campus and global community

National facility for storing CO2 gas built on WA’s doorstep

Perth has become home to a new National Geosequestration Lab. Built by Curtin in partnership with CSIRO and The University…

Campus and global community

Curtin University in NASA’s orbit

NASA Media Release NASA and Curtin University, located in Perth, Western Australia, have signed an Affiliate Member statement with NASA’s…

Campus and global community

Report reveals WA has highest payroll tax in Australia

A report released today (Wednesday 29 July) by the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre (BCEC) reveals payroll tax, labour costs and…

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