Research finds working from home is good for families
A study released by the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre (BCEC) has found that working from home benefits businesses, employees and…
Curtin palaeontologist finds more tooth to shark story
Fossil named after former WA Chief Scientist Lyn Beazley Research recently published in the scientific journal PLOS One substantially strengthens…
Big data: big ideas at the helm
Big data: it’s the glue of the digital universe. If you’re reading this, chances are that you are one of…
Making antimatter: Curtin research provides foundation for future experiments
One of science’s unresolved questions – Where did all of the antimatter at the origin of the Universe go? –…
I Like Big Data and I Cannot Lie
Big data, it’s become a buzzword, but what is it exactly? And why does it matter? Big data, according to…
Super cereal suits coeliac sufferers
Cereal-loving sufferers of coeliac disease and gluten intolerance rejoice. One of Australia’s most loved breakfast cereals now comes in gluten-free…
Curtin joins international consortium to fight crop disease
Curtin University’s Centre for Crop and Disease Management (CCDM) has been awarded a major grant to partner with leading European…
From little things, the Internet of Things grows
Browsing the internet on your phone or tablet is so yesterday. Sure, it’s easy to find out the latest movie…
Edible acid provides green alternative
Curtin University’s Gold Technology Group (GTG) has discovered a green alternative to the toxic systems currently used to leach precious…
Geology students unearth regional win
Congratulations to a team of five students from Applied Geology and Exploration Geophysics, who have won the Asia-Pacific regional heat…