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Showing results 980 to 990 of 1536

One million Australians living in severe poverty

A new report to be released today (Monday 13 October) has examined the depths of income poverty and associated disadvantage…


Hungry black hole consumes faster than predicted

Astronomers have found a black hole that is consuming gas from a nearby star 10 times faster than previously thought.…

Campus and global community

SKA project featured in global art show

— Collaborative exhibition explores Australian and South African shared sky — A collaborative exhibition by artists from Australia and South…

Campus and global community

Nile River monitoring influences North-East Africa’s future

Curtin University research that monitors the volume of water in the Nile River Basin will help to level the playing…


Jim the avatar brings student learning to life

Meet Jim, a realistic computer simulation of an elderly, retired farmer with mild dementia. When speaking to Jim, he might…

Campus and global community

Sponsor a snake and help Curtin PhD research

A Curtin University PhD candidate is calling on the public to help fund her reptile research, using the crowdsourcing fundraising…

Campus and global community

Intelligent computer avatar helps transform healthcare training

Curtin University has developed a life-like computer-simulated ‘avatar’ of an elderly Australian gentleman with dementia which has the potential to…

Campus and global community

Curtin partners with Mineral Resources/Polaris

Partnership explores biodiversity within the Helena-Aurora and Jackson Ranges  Curtin University’s Environmental Biology Group has partnered with Polaris Metals, a…

Campus and global community

Technology to maximise gold extraction wins at Curtin Innovation Awards

— 2014 winners announced — A meter that maximises gold extraction has taken top prize at the 2014 Curtin Commercial…

Campus and global community

Young Curtin Scientists clean up at 2014 Premier’s Science Awards

Curtin University has produced the State’s top young scientists, taking out both the Woodside Early Career Scientist of the Year…

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