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Society and culture

Showing the last results. That's it, that's all we've got...
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander

Curtin delivering on its Reconciliation Action Plan

Curtin University of Technology has achieved many of the aims set out in its Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) a year…

Campus and global community

Curtin experts tackle election issues

C245/08 4 September 2008 State Election Special A Public Policy Forum hosted by the John Curtin Institute of Public Policy…

Campus and global community

Malcolm Turnbull at Curtin to talk on emissions trading

C205/08 21 July 2008 An Emissions Trading Scheme – The Coalition Perspective by the Hon Malcolm Turnbull MHR Shadow Treasurer…

Campus and global community

Curtin empowers students with new online English language assessment tool

C187/08 1 July 2008 In a first for Australia’s university sector, Curtin University of Technology will meet the needs of…

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander

Curtin first university in Australia to launch a Reconciliation Action Plan

C159/08 28 May 2008 Curtin University of Technology is the first Australian university to launch a Reconciliation Action Plan. Developed…

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