Curtin’s Bentley campus will be running a week of events as part of National Career Development Week (May 17–21, 2010).
National Career Development Week (NCDW) is an initiative by the Federal Government to encourage Australians to take active ownership of their careers.
Career Development Consultant Lauren Taylor, says the event is important for students, staff and the wider community.
‘Career development is not just about students or graduates getting jobs, career development is for everybody. It’s about continually developing and successfully managing your career as you go through different life phases. It’s valid for everybody.’
‘It’s about opening opportunities rather than creating walls.’
Career development is timely, especially in a world changed by financial downturn and technological change.
‘It’s about being able to develop skills for successful transitions during your work lifespan… our world of work is rapidly evolving and it changes so much… there are jobs that will exist in five years time that have not even been created.’
The week long event incorporates presentations, workshops, guest speakers and interactive activities.
For more information about National Career Development Week, visit Curtin’s Careers website.