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Health Sciences students: Apply to attend the University Scholars Leadership Symposium at the United Nations!

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The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and Humanitarian Affairs Asia invite Curtin students to attend the 9th University Scholars Leadership Symposium (USLS) at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok, Thailand from 1 to 7 August 2018.

The USLS is a week-long Leadership Conference on social development for young leaders from all over the world. With this year’s theme of “Inspiring Confidence, Inspire Change”, the symposium aims to instil a sense of social responsibility as well as cultivate the attributes of selfless giving.

As a delegate you will have the privilege of hearing from world-renowned leaders and motivational speakers who have gained international acclaim and recognition for their humanitarian work. This year, the speakers include:

  • Geraldine Cox (Sunrise Cambodia),
  • David Begbie (Crossroads Foundation, Hong Kong),
  • Tim Peters (Helping Hands Korea),
  • Professor Peter Mathieson (University of Hong Kong),
  • Professor Ian Jacobs (University of New South Wales),
  • Francis Kong (Motivational Speaker & Author), and
  • Simeerjeet Singh (International Motivational Speaker & Performance Coach).

You will also have the opportunity to network at an international level with leaders from around 15 UN agencies and to work on projects that are run by the UNDP. You will learn what it means to give back to the community and be challenged to respond to the needs of the marginalised with works of kindness and unconditional service. Delegates will have the opportunity to expand their professional network and understanding of world affairs and will be motivated to use their knowledge and leadership skills to impact communities in need.

Find our more information about the program, speakers and schedule.

Cost: The cost of the program is outlined here and please take note of all that is included (accommodation, some meals and more!). Note that Curtin students are entitled to the discounted Group Rate and there is an early registration discount for those who register by 31 March, otherwise the late registration group fee will apply. You have until the end of April to make your payment – further information provided upon registration.

If you wish to attend please do not register yourself online. The Go Global office corresponds directly with the organisers and the registration process is slightly different for Curtin students.

If you are interested, email with the following details and we will send you a form to complete:

  • Full Name
  • Student ID
  • Course and Year
  • Student Email Address

* Remember, those who return the form by 31 March obtain the early bird discount

“I think Humanitarian Affairs has created such a wonderful platform for you to gather together to discuss leadership, to discuss your own actions, and to deal with humanitarian and development challenges that the world faces.”

Mr. Haoliang Xu, Assistant Secretary General, United Nations New York

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