Awareness of prostate cancer will be raised when the Australian men’s hockey team sports fluorescent yellow shirts in two upcoming Test matches against Argentina.
The sartorial sidestep from the Kookaburras’ regular gold strip results from a partnership with the Curtin Health Innovation Research Institute.

The bright yellow playing shirts sponsored by CHIRI will debut at the Test against Argentina on Saturday, September 4 in Perth.
The colourful attire will also get a run in Sydney during the Test planned there for September 11.
“Fortunately, no one in our team has ever had to deal with prostate cancer,” Kookaburra captain Jamies Dwyer said.
“However, we are really keen to spread the word to get people talking about it so it can be prevented.
“By … collaborating with CHIRI – who undertake vital research into the prevention and management of chronic diseases including prostate cancer – we hope to put the spotlight on this life threatening disease.”
CHIRI director Neale Fong said that Australian Institute of Health and Welfare research showed prostate cancer was the most common cancer diagnosed in Australia.
It is the second greatest cause of cancer deaths in men.
“Tragically, more than 3300 men will die as a direct cause of prostate cancer,” Dr Fong said.
“CHIRI is making a difference in this arena by initiating vital research into the cause, diagnoses and prevention and treatment of prostate cancer.”
September marks the beginning of prostate cancer awareness month. For more information visit