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Media releases

Showing results 1100 to 1110 of 3043

New blood cancer study: Burden of Myeloproliferative Neoplasms in Australia revealed

New research led by Cancer Council Queensland and Curtin University has investigated the patterns and trends of a rare group…


Early palliative care offers no extra benefit for mesothelioma patients

Early specialist palliative care treatment does not improve the quality of life for patients diagnosed with the rare cancer mesothelioma…

Campus and global community

Curtin joins forces with leading French institute for defence research

PhD students from Curtin University will travel to France to collaborate on defence research under a partnership agreement with respected…

Campus and global community

New book explores the history of Curtin’s Centre for Aboriginal Studies

The 35-year history of Curtin University’s Centre for Aboriginal Studies has been celebrated in a new book, which was launched…

Art and design

NASA space architect helps launch Curtin’s Research Rumble

NASA’s Johnson Space Centre space architect Larry Toups will help launch next week’s Research Rumble, a series of events showcasing…

Campus and global community

WA science legend leaves behind a remarkable legacy

Passionate marine science and radio astronomy leader Dr Bernard Bowen passed away peacefully early this morning. Dr Bowen is renowned…


New ARC-funded research uses new tool to examine world’s oldest rocks

Curtin University researchers will develop a new fingerprinting tool capable of delving deeper into the Earth’s rock layers, in what…

Campus and global community

Autism Open Day aims to create ‘a better future’ for people on the spectrum

Researchers from Curtin University and the Telethon Kids Institute will explore the strengths and skills that can help build a…

Campus and global community

WA Governor named Patron of Curtin’s Autism Academy

Curtin University has named the Governor of Western Australia the Patron of the Autism Academy for Software Quality Assurance (AASQA),…

Campus and global community

Curtin Professor awarded for distinguished research in mathematics

A Curtin University maths researcher whose work has been applied across various industries such as agriculture, mining and oil and…

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