Media releases
Curtin occupational therapy graduate wins $15K national scholarship
A Curtin University occupational therapy graduate has been awarded the 2012 Count Me In national scholarship by Disability Services Minister…
War legacy scholarship celebrated at Curtin
 Curtin University celebrated the achievement of its latest nursing student to graduate thanks to the support of the Australian…
Technology creates new learning pathways at Curtin
Curtin University has awarded scholarships of $10,000 to key research staff who have developed innovative ways of using new technologies…
Chemistry scholarship to help students away from home
A new scholarship to study Chemistry at Curtin University has been launched to ease the financial constraints of regional students…
Curtin innovation wins global Best Practice Competition
Curtin University’s innovative approach to cross-collaboration in its Health Sciences faculty has won first place in the International Best Practice…
Tackling the decline in the agriculture workforce
Leader of Curtin PICSE Gina Pearse Curtin University has joined a national science network helping to address the growing demand…
Providing a clearer view of our early Universe
A new data analysis tool will be used by researchers of the ARC Centre of Excellence for All-sky Astrophysics (CAASTRO)…
Curtin wins $3.6 million to develop biomass gasification project
The Australian Government, through the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA), has awarded a grant of $3.6 million to build and…
Chevron selects Curtin for Energy Research Partnership
Curtin University has signed an agreement with Chevron Australia in which the energy company will invest $1 million over three…
Outdoor cinema opens at Curtin
Curtin student volunteers Hannah Uren, Siew Hui, Danika Watono and Jessica Atherton Curtin University will host the latest Bankwest Movies…