Media releases
Curtin study looks at health of adults with intellectual disability
Curtin University researchers are seeking participants for a study into the health of adults with an intellectual disability and how…
Curtin studies impact of life reflections for Motor Neurone Disease patients
Curtin Health Innovation Research Institute (CHIRI) PhD candidate, Brenda Bentley, is helping people diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease (MND) to…
Network bridges gap between study and career
Curtin University has teamed up with Australia’s marketing communications peak body, The Communications Council, to further bridge the gap between…
Curtin steps up research excellence
The Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) 2012 results have shown Curtin University’s research quality increased significantly from the 2010…
Curtin appoints Critical Materials Initiative leader
Curtin University has appointed Professor Dudley Kingsnorth to lead the new Critical Materials Initiative. Professor Dudley Kingsnorth The Critical Materials…
Funding for innovative eLearning programs
Curtin University has today received $692,000 in funding support from the Royalties for Regions, Pilbara Cities Education Partnership Initiative program,…
Green Electric Energy Park opens at Curtin University
Curtin University has launched the Green Electric Energy Park (GEEP), an innovative new laboratory showcasing $1.2 million of renewable energy…
Workaholics can’t compensate for an unhappy home life
People who try to deal with an unhappy home life by investing more time and effort at work are deluding…
Population-based study provides new alcohol and pregnancy data
From the findings of the first-ever population-based study of its kind in Australia, a Curtin University researcher has released a…
Curtin and Chevron Australia create important employment bridge
Curtin University and Chevron Australia have created a critical bridge between the university environment and the workplace for lesbian, gay,…