Media releases
Curtin research produces cost effective power sustainably
Friday 13 August 2010 C155/10 Curtin University researchers have made a breakthrough in converting biomass, such as mallee, into “clean”…
Year 12 tops Curtin student experience ‘Excelerate’ program
Winthrop resident, Peng Tiong was recently awarded the Jim Ellis Medal which is presented to the best graduating student from…
Alfresco smoke risk to health
Wednesday 4 August 2010 C150/10 Air quality tests at Perth cafes and pubs show that when two or more people…
New grant to attract quality teachers to remote schools
A new Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC) competitive grant project aims to improve university pre-service education in four Western…
WA Government hosts Curtin Sarawak scholars
Monday 2 August 2010 C148/10 Five outstanding scholarship students from Curtin University’s Sarawak Campus in Miri, Malaysia, received a firsthand…
Curtin forges international health education partnership with Kenya
Wednesday 28 July 201 C145/10 Curtin University’s Health Sciences Faculty and the Kenyan Medical Training College (KMTC) have announced a…
New appointments at Curtin-Monash Accident Research Centre
Friday, 23 July 2010 C144/10 Curtin University has made two significant appointments at its Curtin-Monash Accident Research Centre (C-MARC). Emeritus…
Alcohol and tobacco: sharing strategies to increase profits
C135/10 Continued Curtin research into the links between alcohol and tobacco companies has identified the top five strategies used by…
More than 30 schools compete in chemistry competition at Curtin
C136/10 Curtin University played host to a major chemistry competition last week that pitted 230 students from more than 30…
Rossmoyne students learn about science at Curtin
C134/10 Curtin University has provided Rossmoyne Senior High School science students with a taste of what real university science is…