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Media releases

Showing results 2730 to 2740 of 3034

New centre to boost value of WA grain industry

A new research venture which focuses on boosting the value of WA grains beyond the farm gate was officially opened…

Campus and global community

Curtin inspires Indigenous high school students

Curtin University of Technology recently welcomed 140 indigenous year 10 and 11 students from all over WA for an inspirational…


Curtin research to unlock health potential of ancient grain

Sorghum grain may be a new weapon in the fight against type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity according to…

Campus and global community

Curtin Precinct takes on electro-art

Imagine walking into a university building and being surrounded by a profusion of interactive visual artworks created by data from…

Campus and global community

Debut single means singer/songwriter Milly James will be making plans for a long time to come!

Her music has been described as eloquent, uplifting, melodic, catchy pop and “Don’t Make Plans”, Milly James’ debut single, is…

Campus and global community

Curtin leading lights nominated for 2009 AFI Awards

Outstanding Curtin University of Technology graduate Frances O’Connor has been nominated for an Australian Film Industry (AFI) Award to be…

Campus and global community

Exam results to go ahead

Students at Curtin University of Technology will receive their end of year results as usual despite industrial action by members…

Campus and global community

Research powerhouse launched at Curtin

Curtin University of Technology’s new $116 million Resources and Chemistry Precinct — one of the largest centres of resources, energy…

Campus and global community

Curtin staff a weight winner

Losing 61 kilos is no easy task but Curtin University of Technology staff member, Allison Taylor, has triumphed in this…


Research shows corrosion costs the local economy

Curtin University of Technology research suggests that corrosion may be costing the Australian economy more than $30 billion each year,…

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