Media releases
The reality of going for Olympic gold
C226/08 11 August 2008 Tuesday 12th August 2008 5.30 pm for a 6.00 pm start Lecture theatre 213 (Adjacent to…
Launch of the Centre for Sport and Recreation Research at Curtin today
C219/08 7 August 2008 10.15am for 10.30am start Thursday 7 August 2008 Council Chamber – Chancellory, Building 100, Level 3…
Confronting evidence questions cause of mud eruption disaster
C221/08 Devastation from a mud erupting volcano on the Indonesian island of Java is not caused by an earthquake as…
Muresk Open Day showcases diversity of agriculture careers
C222/08 7 August 2008 Muresk Open Day 2008 Friday 5 September (school groups only) Sunday 7 September (general public) 10.00am…
The sky’s not the limit at Curtin Innovation Display
C223/08 7 August 2008 Curtin Open Day Sunday 17 August 2008 – 10am-4pm Curtin University of Technology Bentley Campus Visit…
Curtin to retain first and second year offerings in Kalgoorlie
C220/08 5 August 2008 The Vice-Chancellor of Curtin University of Technology, Professor Jeanette Hacket, today responded to community concerns and…
Short course helps to build capacity in Aboriginal health
C217/08 4 August 2008 Twenty Aboriginal health workers from all over the State converged at Curtin University of Technology recently…
Curtin graduate and top fashion designer showcases work at John Curtin Gallery
C210/08 28 July 2008 22 August – 10 October The work of Perth fashion designer and Curtin University of Technology…
Inspiration from the mundane leads to solo exhibition
C211/08 25 July 2008 Outstanding Curtin University of Technology postgraduate art student Mark Parfitt’s unique artistic practice has earned him…
West Point expert at Curtin to talk on Counter-Terrorism
C213/08 24 July 2008 Responses to Extremist Ideology in the South East Asian Context by Mr Christopher Heffelfinger 10.30 am…