After surveying an extensive number of people (36,518 people to be exact) – Curtin University’s Head of School of Psychology and Speech Pathology, Professor Adrian North found some interesting links between a person’s musical preference and their personality.
The most creative fans were those who like jazz, classical music, opera and indie where as lower creativity was linked to those who like easy listening and chart pop. The hardest working fans were those who like country and pop, where those who regarded themselves as relatively lazy tended to like funk and indie.
The most sociable and outgoing fans were those who like funk, country, rap and dance music, whereas more reserved people tend to like classical music and heavy metal.
From the pool surveyed, fans of jazz and opera were more likely than most to vote for right-wing political parties and this conservatism was also shared by country music fans.
Read more of Professor North’s research about the links between musical taste and people’s lifestyle and social tendencies.