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Showing 10 results of 103

Message from the Vice-Chancellor: Codes of conduct for students and staff

Reading time: 1 minute Curtin is delighted to welcome both new and returning students for Semester One at our WA…

Stay ahead of the scammers

We are aware of fraudulent emails circulating that appear to have been sent by Curtin, with subject lines such as…

Curtin University will be operating with limited service during the Christmas and New Year period

Most Curtin University staff will be on leave from Friday 20 December 2024 to Sunday 5 January 2025 during which…

AAD Authentication is coming for Student VPN: How it affects you

What is happening? To make accessing Curtin’s Virtual Private Network (VPN) easier and more secure for students, we’re transitioning to…

Changes to Remote Labs login process

To enhance the security of Curtin’s Virtual Desktop systems, the login process for Remote Labs/Virtual Desktop (VMware Horizon application) will…

Bentley campus parking update

We would like to provide an update on parking at Curtin Bentley due to the construction of the new B316…

Outcome of Election – Election of One Postgraduate Student to the University Council

Congratulations to Mr Bustanul Arifin who has been elected unopposed to the University Council as a postgraduate student member under…

E-rideables: Charging, storage and management regulations

E-rideables are becoming increasingly popular among the Curtin community as convenient and environmentally friendly modes of transport. However, charging and…

Temporary Pathway Closures Around Hayman Theatre

From Tuesday, 24 September 2024, some pathways around Hayman Theatre will be temporarily closed for the construction of a new…

Groups on campus

Curtin is committed to providing a welcoming, supportive and safe environment for staff and students, and we embrace and recognise…

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