Temporary Parking Bay Closures During Tuition-Free Week
Please be aware there will be some temporary parking closures at Curtin’s Bentley campus, due to ongoing development work. To…
B316 Sciences construction update
Road and vehicle access will continue to change as we continue to progress with the ongoing development of B316. Starting…
Microsoft Apps Licences
As part of our ongoing improvements to provide you with a seamless digital experience, we recently completed an integration of…
Bentley Campus parking update
Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we adjust to campus parking changes to accommodate the construction of Curtin’s…
Update to assessment extension applications
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Curtin introduced a self-certification option for assessment extension applications. This enabled students to apply for up…
Carpark closed for emergency maintenance
A section of carpark PE3 is currently closed for emergency maintenance because of a burst water pipe. The duration of…
Protect Yourself from Money Muling #DontBeAMule
Criminals are increasingly targeting students to get involved in money muling. These scams can seem enticing but can have serious…
MS Teams is now live for Curtin Students
As part of our ongoing commitment to provide you with the best possible university experience, we’re excited to introduce MS…
Bentley campus parking update
Welcome to Semester 2! As you return to campus, we want to remind you about the ongoing construction of the…
Welcome to Semester 2
Curtin is delighted to welcome both new and returning students for Semester 2 at our WA campuses. We are proud…