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Showing results 80 to 90 of 103

COVID-19 Update: 31 January

Further to communication we sent out last week, we now have clearer information about the State Government’s arrangements for students…

COVID-19 Update: 2 February

This time of the year is always exciting as we look forward to welcoming our new and returning students to…

Graduation ceremony postponed (6 February)

Due to current weather conditions and student and guest health and safety, the Graduation Ceremony tonight (6 February) has been…

COVID-19 Update: 19 January

Second exposure site identified – Building 102 The University has been advised by the WA Health Department of another exposure…

COVID-19 update: 25 January

With the Omicron variant now in our community, and the Premier’s announcement on 20 January that borders will remain closed,…

COVID-19 Update: 27 January

Curtin and other Western Australian universities have been in discussions with the State Government about developing a plan to allow…

COVID-19 Update: 28 January

Curtin is pleased to inform you that we have been advised that the State Government has now introduced new arrangements…

COVID-19 Update: 3 January

I hope everyone had a relaxing holiday season and a positive start to the new year. The Minister for Health…

COVID-19 Update: 7 January

The State Government has today announced that, as of 6pm tonight, the mask mandate for the Perth and Peel regions…

COVID-19 Update: 18 January

The University has been advised by the WA Health Department that a Curtin student tested positive to COVID-19 on Saturday…

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