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Showing 10 results of 40

Become a Chinese Content Creator in collaboration with Curtin’s International Marketing Team

Collaborate with Curtin’s International Marketing Team to share and amplify the study experiences of Chinese students at Curtin through Chinese…

Most Instagram-able spots on campus according to our International students

Curtin is a huge campus, and if you’re on the look out for your next photo spot on campus to…

Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) transition to Medibank

Curtin University is pleased to announce that we will be transitioning to a new Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) provider,…

How to cope with exams as an international student

It’s exam season, and we know how challenging it can be, for both domestic and our international student cohorts. In…

Are you up to date with all episodes of ‘I’m at Curtin, Now What?’

If you haven’t caught on to the Curtin-wide phenomena just yet, it’s your lucky day. I’m at Curtin, Now What?…

International students try their home country cuisine

Wondering whether you can find your home country food in Perth, Western Australia? You’re in luck! Perth has a vibrant…

How to budget as an International student

Let’s face it – sometimes sticking to a budget is difficult. As an international student, it can be challenging knowing…

Are you an international student working in Australia?

Researchers at the Melbourne Centre for the Study of Higher Education from The University of Melbourne are inviting all current…

How well do you know your Aussie snacks?

Ever heard of a TimTam Slam or Fairy bread? Not sure how much Vegemite is too much? As an international…

Learn a full-body gym routine with our international students

Are you new to exercising, unsure where to start or want an introduction to the gym environment on campus? We’ve…

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