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Showing results 110 to 120 of 218

Four reasons to follow @curtinlifeaustralia on Instagram

Welcome to Curtin and your uni journey! (And welcome back if you’re a returning student). If you’re attending orientation or…

New spaces opening in TL Robertson Library

We’ve been working hard to put the final touches on our refurbishment, and we’re so pleased to offer you new…

Important information for motorcycle riders

The Safer Community Team have seen an increase in the incidence of motorcycle theft in the local area and on…

Road closure near Manning Road

As O-Week is fast approaching, this is a friendly reminder that works continue at PL1 carpark and along Townsing Drive,…

PSA: We’re searching for the new hosts of our Instagram video series ‘Food For Thought @ Curtin’!

Are you an aspiring food reviewer ready to take the Curtin food scene by storm? We’re searching for the new…

Get paid to take part in a research exercise for the Curtin University website!

We’re looking for student feedback on a new digital tool designed to connect students with helpful support resources in times…

NAIDOC 2023: For Our Elders

This year’s NAIDOC theme For Our Elders, celebrates the continuing impact and role of Indigenous Elders that have guided generations…

Pedestrian Closure Near the Hex

Please note that some final works are occurring outside Building 105 TL Robertson Library including the Hex and Henderson Court…

Learn how to get to and around campus

If you’re preparing for your first semester at Curtin Perth, make sure you think about your travel logistics so you…

Researchers need your help testing Amazon Alexa

Curtin researchers would like your help testing an Amazon Alexa conversational agent designed to assist people in making sustainable dietary…

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