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Showing results 50 to 60 of 218

Bentley Campus parking update

Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we adjust to campus parking changes to accommodate the construction of Curtin’s…

Compete in the Interfaculty Basketball Competition

Get ready to hit the court in the exhilarating Interfaculty Basketball Cup! This free, friendly competition is open to all…

Meet the Talent 4 Tomorrow Grand Finalists

Ready to meet the finalists for Curtin’s talent competition, Talent 4 Tomorrow? The stakes have never been higher. Here are…

4 ways UniPASS can help you with your studies

We all know that fitting in extra study around classes, work and everyday life can be tricky. If you’re looking…

Five CV! opportunities to get involved in this semester

Want to volunteer in semester 2, but unsure what you want to get involved in? We’ve collated five opportunities to…

Carpark closed for emergency maintenance

A section of carpark PE3 is currently closed for emergency maintenance because of a burst water pipe. The duration of…

The best ways to travel around Kalgoorlie

It’s the start of a new semester and whether you’re new to Kalgoorlie or just looking for some fresh ideas…

Library 101: What you need to know

Here’s our top four tips for learning about the Library at the beginning of semester: The Library catalogue is your…

Talent 4 Tomorrow Grand Finale

Join us to watch the grand finale of Curtin’s talent competition, Talent 4 Tomorrow! Get your friends together during common…

Get wellbeing support during your PhD

Reading time: 1 minute Curtin’s Psychological and Counselling Services is offering a free PhD Support Group to help PhD students…

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